Activities Continue To Advance At The Robertson Project  


VANCOUVER - Coral Gold Resources Ltd. reported that Nevada Gold Mines (NGM) continues to advance activities on the Robertson Project in the Cortez region of Nevada where Coral retains a net smelter returns royalty (NSR). NGM’s work during the quarter focused on analyzing data from 2018 drilling and continuing the 2019 drill program. NGM recently delivered its Q2 2019 summary of work completed at Robertson, reporting that the 2019 core drilling program (13,290-meters), which began in early March, continued through the quarter with 5,517 meters completed. NGM reports that infill and comparison drilling at the Porphyry and Altenburg Hill zones was completed while infill drilling at the Gold Pan/39A zone was delayed.

NGM also continued to develop updated geological and metal models. This work includes data addition from 45 core holes drilled in 2018 to develop the mineral inventory, upgrade the geology understanding and advance metallurgy. In its Q1 report, NGM noted that “Results from 2018 whole core assaying increased the grade thickness and highlights a previous under sampling trend.”

“NGM continues to make steady, methodical progress at Robertson,” said Coral Gold President and CEO David Wolfin. “They are gaining new insights into geology, grades and metallurgy, and we believe this thorough approach is the best way to bring the property onstream. We’re very pleased with both the results and the exceptional team developing the property.”

The company’s address is Suite 900, 570 Granville St., Vancouver, BC V6C 3P1, (604) 682 3701,